EOG Resources Announces Second Shale Revolution

The technology was named ” Fracking 2.0″ and started developing in April-May of this year. It is known that EOG conducts experiments on a well located in West Texas.

EOG Resources Inc., a pioneer in horizontal drilling in dense rocks, has announced a technology that will give rise to the US shale revolution of 2.0.

Engineers at EOG Resources Inc claim that their invention will enable US companies to operate at $ 40 per barrel. The technology was named “Fracking 2.0” and started developing in April-May of this year. It is known that EOG conducts experiments on a well located in West Texas.

We are talking about the rapid drilling of horizontal wells stretching for a mile, earlier this process took 38 days, now – only 20. In addition, the costs have decreased by 25%, according to oil analysts. The EOG does not yet disclose all the details, they say that they reduced the cost of exploration and drilling by a quarter, and also began to determine more precisely the prospective areas. Previously, Pronedra wrote that Pioneer Natural Resources announced a review of its costs in the extraction of “black gold”.

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