Should you hold Liberty Oilfield Services?

Two analysts covering Liberty Oilfield Services (NYSE: LBRT), 1 had Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Liberty Oilfield Services has $20 highest and $19 lowest target. $19.50’s average target is 30.70% above currents $14.92 stock price. Liberty Oilfield Services had 2 analyst reports since March 11, 2019.

  • Stock analysts at Goldman Sachs Group initiated coverage on shares of Liberty Oilfield Services (NYSE:LBRT) in a research report issued to clients and investors on Sunday, March 10th.

The firm set a “neutral” rating and a $20.00 price target on the stock. Goldman Sachs Group’s price target points to a potential upside of 34.05% from the stock’s previous close.

Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. Reports -11.08% Sales Growth

Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. (LBRT) remained unsuccessful in beating the consensus-estimated $0.31 as it actually earned $0.27 per share in its last reported financial results. Revenue, on the other hand, scored -11.08% growth from the previous quarter, coming up with $496.89 million.

Wall Street brokerages expect Liberty Oilfield Services Inc (NYSE:LBRT) to post $502.55 million in sales for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Five analysts have made estimates for Liberty Oilfield Services’ earnings, with the lowest sales estimate coming in at $496.77 million and the highest estimate coming in at $515.00 million.

The Cons of holding Liberty Oilfield Services Inc in the short term.

If Colorado cracks down on fracking, Liberty Oilfield Services would take a big hit. as it holds large amounts of hydraulic fracking fleets in that state and is considered the most significant player in the fracking servicing sector in the DJ Basin.

There are at least 32.94% of shares outstanding that are currently legally short sold.

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